Hey all - Happy New Years - I hope you all had a great time with your families! I actually had an amazing time, surprisingly for (the place that shall not be named - not Voldemort! Ah bollocks I just said Voldemort).
Today was the day I became a Godfather! I was beyond excited, but terrified at the same time. I have awful stage fright when it comes to me having to do ANYTHING out of my comfort zone. Even around family I can't really be myself! I'm surprisingly shy and reserved, although my sense of humour is not exactly taken as well down here as in Dublin. I even find myself saying "JAYSUS mark WTF is wrong with you!?" but that's just how it is. I sat at a dinner table today for 3 hours and spoke approx.
37 words. ME + 37 words = sleep talk!
I don't know why I get so shy at all. And omg...I got called Jedward today. JEDWARD....not funny.com! Although I must admit my grandad tried to call me Jedward but said "Mark, your hair looks like them fellas off the telly....emm...Jedset?" I lol'd a lot at that. I'm still such a little girl when it comes to this stuff though. I generally walk with my head down just so I avoid confrontation or people staring at me. It's pretty pathetic but it got me through some hard times! I will however NEVER compromise my style in order to avoid drama. I wear stretch skinny jeans. My legs are better than yours. Get over it! A lot of my gay friends tell me they wear less "flamboyant" clothing when going back home to avoid getting their heads kicked in, but if you can't be yourself at home then when can you be yourself? I guess im just a bit simple minded in my views.
I just wanted to use a purple heading there.
Ah no....2010 has been quite an average year. I did however meet some unforgettable people, some close friends and formed a really good abusive relationship with my best friend! It also ended on a high with an amazing house party and the ever elusive new years kiss. (Yes people I got mine...Ohhh yeaaaaah)
I look forward to all the new adventures that await me in 2011.
What to look forward to:
New style
More adventures
More sex (shur gewaan)
More EVERYTHING (except an STI)
This blog is quite random tonight - fuck it.
Look forward to blog No.2 when I'll speak about a topic I LOVE <3
Mark x
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