Sunday, March 13, 2011

Just a Little Something I Whipped Up...

Hey guys, well...I'm fair bored to say the least. SO I decided I'd practice my drawing again.

Now, the drawing itself was drawn quick, roughly and is in no way the best I could do...but I'm still happy with it overall. I've always had a tad bit of a problem shading with pencil  ( usually due to my left handedness + smudging my entire drawing with my gigantic hand ) so I have a way to go yet to improve.

So anyway, time to show ye:

It looks a little bit weird to be honest and the child is most definitely deformed...but I think more extreme forms of art grab attention better. I might try draw a few more things in the following week!

mark x

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Touch of Nostalgia

Hey guys,

First off..I've had absolutely no time to even contemplate drawing this week. With my doggy dying and coming back home, it really took a chunk out of my time unfortunately. However, amidst all the doom and gloom of my life I came across my old art portfolio circa 2008-2009 and surprisingly I wasn't too bad...

My first series of images is from my preliminary Leaving Cert. Mock 2009. I was head over heels with Da Vinci and anatomical figures. I also threw in a twist of Celtic designs and a map design to incorporate the aged style into my poster.

A few close ups

I've never been a big fan of oil pastel, so clearly when forced to do it, it turned out quite lackluster on the brain.

Now onto the finished product of those! I incorporated a few of the designs together to create a cohesive poster, which seems like absolute decades ago now!

This poster was supposed to read "Natural Art History" or some bollocks I can't remember. The lettering however was actually, severely so. I tried to incorporate the eye into a skull with  an *cough* attempt to show some form of muscle ( absolute fail ) but overall I thought I got my point across. I absolutely that decrepit man and thought; ah let his brains hang out for the craic like...

An area I wasn't completely skilled in was painting. To be honest i busted my ass painting over and over whilst trying not to ram my No.6  DALER- ROWNEY down her bloody throat. Eventually however, I got some ability!

Painting No.1:  The Face:

Her eyes are a bit small for her ehm, colossal face, I think I didn't fully commit on this's not as polished as I'd like..but I developed a bit more confidence after this painting in terms of execution and also shading.

Painting No.2:  The Ex Wife:

                                                           Her face actually killed me

I had a few more pieces of work however, my friends managed to steal them for their own bedrooms. Quite flattering if I do say so myself! Hope ye enjoyed some of my better works.

Mark x

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Revival of Sorts

Hey guys...It's been AGES since I've blogged; simply because I had nothing to blog about. DEEP isn't it...

I realised today that my daily routine revolves around:

2.Going to college
3.Eating during lectures
4.Rushing to take down lecture notes while eating
5.Not hearing what the lecturer said due to my constant munching noises
6.Hanging out with friends, going home and eating
7.Showering (and no, not eating...I have some dignity left)
9.Drinking myself to oblivion
11.Boyfriend (This sequence does not dictate the order in which I prefer...Jason merely ended up here...please don't cut me)

So...I decided it's time for a new direction of sorts via a hobby. God knows I'm just gonna turn into some form of pervert by randomly googling things!

In a sense im trying to revive a piece of me that I long believed to be extinct. You couldn't really blame me with the constant lab reports telling me "DO THIS NOT THAT" and "DRAWING CONSISTS OF LITTLE DETAIL"...well then, why actually bother? All this science has severely dulled my creativity and my drawing skills. So..yeah, I'm gonna bombard your eyes with drawings I've done! Now don't expect Da Vinci levels of excellence (although at one stage I was SO close to being that good). I'm starting at the extreme basics and learning how to draw again, therefore patience will be needed.

OH...a little bit about my kind of art. I LOVE graphic, pain, misery, gore, dark and disturbing. My best drawing consisted of a child hanging out of his mothers womb (yeah I know..I'm weird...but ye all knew I did other things than just pronounce "COOKBOOK and YOGhurt" differently). However I'm miles behind my old artistic flare and need to start from scratch!

So..after all this rubbish it's time just to stick in a little photo so you can judge if I can actually draw. I like drawing eyes. The windows of the soul some say, and allow us to experience things one could not even begin to imagine. Now remember....basic basic basic until I develop some more confidence in my drawings: